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Bark Mulch Calculator

Input the length, width of the area you would like to mulch.  Input the depth you would like your mulch to be.  Click the black total box for results.

How much mulch do I need?

Length x Width x Depth (in decimal form/3 inches = 0.25 ft) divided by 27 = Total cubic yards.

Where Does Bark Mulch Come From?


Not all mulch is created equal!​

Mulch is produced largely in New Hampshire and Maine. The bulk of the raw material is obtained from paper mills across Northern Maine and Canada and then trucked to the mulch plant where it is processed into the products we deliver to your homes.


Ray Wilson's mulch is produced from 100% natural products, using predominately hemlock, spruce, pine, and fir. Our mulch contains no harmful pesticides, creosotes, chemicals or waste lumber/pallets of any kind.


Our products are ground to the fine consistency to provide the best quality product available. All of our mulches are created out of quality materials from the lumber and forestry industries and prized by gardeners all over the area.

Ray Wilson Bark Mulch is the best mulch around.

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